Ginger Coyle
Friday, March 7 · view days & times
Venue: Palette & Pour
Free music 8:00-11:00 p.m.
- Artist Website:
GINGER is a veteran singer-songwriter and spiritual activist who introduces her listeners a new sound that she calls, "Soul music, for conscious souls". Her new record, “Higher Frequency” explores personal vibrations through the chakras and invites humanity to take responsibility for their contribution to the collective frequency. Immerse yourself in a diverse album that offers introspection, conscious contemplation, with a positive theme of Universal Love. Ginger's essence is translated through a throwback sound that is driven with vintage pianos, & soulful melodies that are like a nostalgic embrace from the 1970's.
- Friday, March 7, 2025 @ 8:00 PM 03/07/2025 08:00 PM 03/07/2025 11:00 PM 15 Ginger Coyle Palette & Pour false MM/DD/YYYY
Venue Information
Palette & PourArtsQuest Center
101 Founders Way
Bethlehem, PA 18015
map & directions